JAKARTA - It was revealed that the perpetrators of the kidnapping of children in Tanah Kusir, Pesanggrahan, South Jakarta, were actually the same person as the kidnappers in Bogor.

According to information compiled, the victim of the kidnapping in Bogor with the initials FN (11), was kidnapped on Sunday, May 8 while he was exercising in a housing estate in Bogor, West Java. It was also stated that the perpetrator claimed to be a policeman and brought an FN under the pretext of violating health protocols (prokes).

Meanwhile, Tuesday, May 10, the perpetrators released Fakhri and again kidnapped a child named KDP (12) in the Tanah Kusir area, South Jakarta.

KDP's sister, Meyla, said her sister was kidnapped, taken by someone claiming to be a police officer. It was the same as in Bogor, at that time his younger brother was taken because he didn't bring a mask.

"The victim (FN) was previously declared missing for 4 days. The motive is also the same as claiming to be a police officer, and then not carrying masks like that," said Meyla when contacted by VOI, Wednesday, May 11.

"So FN was the same as this perpetrator and was told to ride with his friend KV. KV was told to ride with this perpetrator," he continued.

Meyla claimed to have contacted KV since yesterday. But the number is not active.

"The cellphone numbers are no longer active. So all cellphones were taken by the perpetrators," he said.

Meyla also admitted that her family had made a police report to the Pesanggarahan Police so that the perpetrators were quickly caught.

"Now to (Police) Pesanggarahan," he said.

Separately, the Head of Pesanggarahan Police, Kompol Nazirwan, confirmed that there were reports of kidnapping cases. The family reported on Wednesday, May 11, at 13.00 WIB.

“We have received reports, information stating that someone was kidnapped, or reports. But for certainty and chronological clarity, we have explored it," he said.

Nazirwan admitted that his party had now investigated the crime scene (TKP).

"Now members are in the field to check the crime scene," he concluded.

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