JAKARTA - Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs (Menko Polhukam) Mahfud MD stated that the provisions in Indonesia do not regulate lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) groups.

This was conveyed by Mahfud through his Twitter account, @mohmahfudmd, Wednesday 11 May. He said the regulations do not regulate same-sex lovers so that if they want to be charged with the law, they will violate the principle of legality.

"The legality principle is homo/lesbi (only regulates) with children. What is the punishment for lesbi/gay among adults? No, right? If we punish without any legal threat first, it means violating the principle of legality, it can be arbitrary. That's why Pancasila is not only legal but also moral," said Mahfud.

Mahfud said that the DPR as the legislator is currently discussing regulations related to LGBT and adultery in the country. Regarding the government's stance on LGBT and adultery, Mahfud said he supported the discussion by considering input from the community.

"Right now, the issue of LGBT and adultery is being discussed again so that it can be regulated "what" in the Draft Criminal Code. The ratification of the Draft Criminal Code has also been delayed, al, because of this problem. Please DPR-RI and Mrs. Fahira. The government's attitude is clear but of course it must hear the voice of the people," he said.

Mahfud was then reminded by netizens of his statement in 2017. At that time, Mahfud firmly rejected LGBT and adultery by proposing that the rules be discussed in the Draft Criminal Code (KUHP).

The former Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court admitted that his attitude to date has been consistent with regards to LGBT and adultery.

"Yes, this is my statement that is valid and I hold it until now. It was a proposal to the DPR which at that time (2017) was noisy about the crime of adultery and LGBT. Those are the religious moral values that we propose to enter into the Criminal Code. But until now the proposal has not been accepted as law and only applies as religious and moral rules," he said.

Finally, Mahfud was grateful this morning to be able to discuss again in the social media room as he often did before entering the cabinet. He ended it because he had to rush to the office.

"Alhamdulillah, this morning I was able to discuss via Twitter about law, morals, and religion, especially in relation to LGBT and adultery. I used to always serve discussions like this via Twitter for a long time. finished. I have to go to the office. Cheerio," he said.

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