JAKARTA - The masses who are members of the National Anti-Communist Alliance of the Republic of Indonesia (ANAK NKRI) gathered in the area of the Arjuna Wiwaha Horse Statue, Central Jakarta.
The mass organizations in this alliance are the 212 Alumni Brotherhood (PA), the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) and the Ulama Fatwa Guard National Movement (GNPF).
Two commando cars were seen parked in the middle of the crowd. After singing the national obligatory songs, mass representatives began to give speeches calling for rejection of the Job Creation Law.
In front of the crowd, the police had blockaded Jalan Medan Merdeka Barat using a road divider and barbed wire. It appears that the police are still monitoring from across the barrier separating the masses.
In his oration, Jakarta FPI committee, Salman Al Farisi called for demands that President Joko Widodo resign from his position. This is due to many rejections resulting from the ratification of the Job Creation Act by the government and the DPR.
"Today we take to the streets again, because we see in our midst, an injustice is displayed. There is no choice but to ask Mr. Jokowi to resign. Right?" said Salman and was greeted by the crowd's appeal at the location, Tuesday, October 13.
Salman said some time ago many students and workers took part in a demonstration demanding that the Omnibus Law on Cipta Kerja be canceled and cornered the DPR.
According to him, the target of student and labor demonstrations some time ago should also be targeting the government. "Some still say that the Omnibus Law is the DPR's fault. It is not only the fault of the legislature, but the executive branch," he said.
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