PATI - Central Java Police Chief Inspector General Ahmad Luthfi carried out assistance in securing backflow on the north coast route. Accompanied by a number of PJUs from the Central Java Police, the Regional Police Chief uses a large motorbike to monitor the lanes and check security posts in the Pati and Kudus areas, Monday, 9 May.

In an official statement received Monday, May 9, the Regional Police Chief said that his members are still on standby in the field to monitor and serve the community in times of backflow.

"From the monitoring that has been carried out, on the last day of this backflow, for Pos Pam in Central Java, both on the northern coast, south, toll roads and at tourist attractions, members are still on standby. Members are still enthusiastic and have high morale in providing services to the community. community," said Ahmad Lutfi.

According to the schedule, the police operation in the context of securing Eid with the code for Operation Ketupat Candi 2022 will officially end today at 24.00 western Indonesia time tonight.

The Regional Police Chief revealed that during the 2022 Ketupat Candi Operation, there were no prominent incidents in the Central Java region.

"We pray that this condition is maintained until the end of the operation period, the members on duty remain enthusiastic and can carry out operational activities with official accountability," he said.

The Regional Police Chief said that the conduciveness of the kamtibmas situation was achieved thanks to the preparedness of the Central Java Regional Police.

He also appreciated the participation of the community and the media in helping the success and smooth operation of operations through information and education during the homecoming and return flows.

According to him, this is able to educate the public to work hand in hand in the success of the 2022 Ketupat Candi Operation.

"To the public and my fellow journalists, I thank you for your cooperation in supporting the main tasks of the National Police through information and educative reporting," concluded the Regional Police Chief.

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