MAKASSAR - A discourse was raised by members of the Makassar DPRD regarding the submission of inquiry rights to the Acting Mayor of Makassar Rudy Djamaluddin after the rejection of the Draft Revised APBD by the council. Rudy refused to comment on the right to inquiry while stating that he was focused on working.

"I don't comment, that's their right," said Rudy at Makassar City Hall, Monday, October 5.

"I just want to work, work for the people," continued Rudy.

The discourse on the right to inquiry at the Makassar DPRD surfaced from the statement made by a spokesman for the Budget Agency, Mario David. The NasDem politician said the questionnaire team against Pj Walkot Makassar would be formed after the recess.

"This is just a discourse, then this week we are still in recess, maybe next week after we recess lobbying factions," said Mario.

The Makassar DPRD, according to the Head of the Makassar NasDem DPD Bappilu, highlighted the decree issued by Pj Walkot Rudy.

It is suspected that there are irregularities in the program with a budget allocation of Rp263 billion without going through the deliberations at the DPRD. Even though the Makassar City Government, according to Mario, should have allocated a priority budget for handling the COVID-19 pandemic.

"There must also be a social security program and an economic security program due to COVID-19. This is what has no priority program in the 2020 Revised APBD budget proposed by the Makassar City Government, "said Mario.

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