JAKARTA - Hundreds of thousands of National Police (Polri) personnel have been alerted to safeguard the 2022 Eid homecoming flow. The personnel are stationed at all points in Indonesia.

"166.743 personnel from Headquarters, Polda and other relevant agencies," said Head of the Ops Division of the National Police Traffic Corps (Korlantas), Commissioner Eddy Djunaedi when confirmed, Wednesday, April 13.

One of the tasks of the hundreds of thousands of personnel is to unravel the traffic jam during the peak of the homecoming flow, which is predicted to occur on April 28. Then, check the completeness of the travelers' requirements at the monitoring post.

Conditions that must be met, for example, include the negative results of the RT-PCR test whose samples were taken within 3x24 hours before departure. This requirement applies to people who have just received the first dose of the vaccine.

For people who have received the second dose of vaccine, it is enough to show a negative result through a rapid antigen test that is valid 1x24 hours before departure.

Meanwhile, those who have received the third dose of vaccine (booster), are not required to include a negative RT-PCR or rapid antigen test result.

"The National Police will later set up Pam (security) posts and service posts (services, ed). At that post, together with other relevant stakeholders, space will be placed for vaccines and boosters," said Eddy.

Previously, the Korlantas Polri predicted that the peak of the 2022 Eid homecoming flow would occur on April 29 and 30. As for the return flow a week later or May 7 and 8.

"The peak for going home is on April 29 and 30. While the reverse flow is on the 7th and 8th (May, ed)," said Eddy.

With the prediction of the peak flow of going back and forth, the Korlantas Polri has also prepared a scheme to anticipate the density of vehicles.

In fact, the prepared anticipation scheme is divided into several phases. Ranging from normal to severe traffic jams.

"Scenarios have been prepared for anticipation, starting from normal, congested, traffic jam situations to emergency situations," he said.

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