JAKARTA - The Ministry of Religion assesses that the need for Government Employees with Work Agreements (PPPK) for the formation of teachers and madrasa education personnel is very urgent, so it is hoped that they will get quotas and budgets for recruitment as soon as possible.

"The need for primary education for madrasah teachers is very urgent for the Ministry of Religion. We hope to get a significant quota and budget. If not, I am worried that in the future our madrasas will not receive quality education services," said Director of Teachers and Education Personnel of the Ministry of Religion Muhammad Zain in a written statement received in Jakarta, reported by Antara, Tuesday, April 12.

The total need for PPPK for teacher formation and education personnel in madrasah reached 192,008 teachers. Of that number, 53,645 of them are needed for teacher and education staff at public madrasah at all levels of education.

Zain said that this need needs to be met immediately because it is directly related to the development of the nation's education in the future.

"If we plan something and invest 1 rupiah for infrastructure, it will return at most 1 rupiah. On the other hand, if we plan something to invest 1 rupiah for human resources, it will return more than 1 rupiah," said Zain.

According to him, the Ministry of Religion has submitted Decree (SK) Appointment of PPPK Candidates for 7,380 teachers and lecturers recruited in 2021. The SK was symbolically handed over by the Secretary-General of the Ministry of Religion Nizar Ali on April 1, 2022.

"We need to do recruitment, because the 2021 quota has only been allocated for former K2 honorary workers," he said.

He considered that PPPK was an alternative solution from the state to recognize non-PNS teachers, because as many as 83.44 percent of madrasa teachers were honorary teachers. This data shows that honorary teachers have been the main pillars of learning in madrasas.

"Another thing that is good news is that the budget to meet the needs of teachers' teachers and teaching staff has been allocated by the Ministry of Finance in the range of Rp. 12.2 trillion," he said.

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