JAKARTA - The student demonstration against the extension of the presidential term, which was held in front of the DPR Building, Jakarta, Monday, April 11, was marred by chaos. Ade Armando (61), a Fisip lecturer, University of Indonesia experienced violence.
Ade, who actually came with the same intention, refused to extend the presidential term to three terms, and had an argument with several demonstrators. He was finally rescued by the police who secured the demonstration from the tantrums of the masses.
This incident made Nurul Arifin concerned. The Deputy Chairperson of the Communications and Informatics Division of the Golkar Party condemned the violent acts carried out by a number of provocateurs who were with a crowd of students.
"I personally condemn the acts of violence against Ade Armando, whatever the reasons such acts of violence and harassment cannot be justified," said Nurul, who is also a member of Commission I of the DPR RI.
![Ade Armando was beaten and stripped naked in front of the Jakarta DPR Building on Monday, April 1. (Ist) Ade Armando dikeroyok dan ditelanjangi di depan Gedung DPR Jakarta pada Senin 1 April. (Ist)](/storage/publishers/156503/body_image_2022041123-1.jpg)
Nurul, who had warned from the start that the student demonstrations would run in an orderly and peaceful manner, did not expect it to end in chaos. Even the mass of demonstrators, some of whom had to be dispersed by the police by firing tear gas around the DPR complex.
Responding to this violence, the DPR member from the West Java I electoral district asked the security forces to act decisively in investigating the perpetrators of the beating against Ade. "I urge the perpetrators to be thoroughly investigated and brought to justice in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. We have heard from Mr. President Jokowi directly, that there is no delay in the 2024 election. So the aspirations of the students have actually been heard and responded to directly, "said Nurul.
He hopes that in the future there will be no more disturbing demonstrations and anarchic actions that may even lead to violence against someone. According to Nurul, any differences of opinion and views in democracy should not be resolved by violent means. Especially in this month of Ramadan, where people should be able to restrain themselves and emotions.
"Hopefully there will be no more demonstrations with a similar agenda. Let's finish our fast in peace and hope for Allah's blessing," said Nurul Arifin after condemning the persecution of Armando.
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