RIAU ISLANDS - Officers from the Class IIA Tembilahan Correctional Institution, Riau, found a number of sharp objects in the form of nails, scissors, cellphone chargers, handsfree, and electrical cables during a raid on the inmates' residential rooms.

"The raids will still be carried out with great prudence and take into account security aspects," said Head of the Riau Kemenkumham Regional Office, Mhd. Jahari Sitepu, in his statement in Pekanbaru, Monday 11 April.

He said that the raids on the inmates' rooms during the holy month of Ramadan were carried out carefully so as not to disturb the WBP who was solemnly worshiping. Embrace them, to be invited to obey the rules in order to create a safe and conducive situation.

He said for the umpteenth time he appealed to all prisons and detention centers in Riau to be clean from the circulation of cellphones, extortion, and drugs (Halinar).

"Illegal use of cellphones in prisons and remand centers has been proven to have resulted in various problems, including allegations of drug control, extortion, fraud, and online gambling, as well as pornography in prisons," he said, quoted by Antara.

Therefore, he said again, the ranks of the Riau Kemenkumham Regional Office need to carry out routine searches and raids on residential rooms.

Responding to the Kakanwil order, the Head of the Class IIA Tembilahan Correctional Institution, Julianto Budhi Prasetyono, immediately ordered his staff to raid residential rooms. The raid, which was led by the Head of the Tembilahan Prison Security Unit (KPLP), Rinaldi R, and the Head of the Reporting and Order Subsidy, Febri Aulia Rahman together with several officers, then targeted the Mahogany Block, searched the WBP and his residential room.

The search was carried out in a very humane manner and involved the head of the room as a witness.

"The inspection carried out this time is aimed at early detection of disturbances in security and order (Kamtib) in the Holy Month of Ramadan and realizing Zero Halinar.

Various kinds of prohibited items were successfully secured by officers at this inspection. There are cellphones, cellphone chargers, handsfree, nails, power cables, and scissors," said Kalapas.

Kalapas added that the search was also carried out to ensure the safety of the inmates while in prison from various tools or sharp weapons that are prohibited from circulating in prisons.

The goods resulting from the raid were then destroyed and destroyed to provide a deterrent effect to the inmates.

Next, K. KPLP also educates WBP regarding the consequences of sanctions they will get if they are proven to have committed violations, one of which is storing and possessing prohibited items.

“In advance, we apologize for disturbing the comfort of all of you. However, we conducted this search for the sake of mutual convenience. Officers will take strict action against violations that occur. Therefore, we hope that everyone will cooperate and follow all applicable rules," said Rinaldi.

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