JAKARTA - Member of Indonesian Parliament Commission X, Himmatul Aliyah, assessed that Vice President Ma'ruf Amin's support regarding the return of Pancasila Education to the national curriculum is a consequence of the promulgation of Government Regulation (PP) Number 4 of 2022 concerning Amendments to Government Regulation Number 57 of 2021 concerning National Education Standards.

She explained that the Government Regulation included Pancasila Education in the curriculum for primary, secondary, and tertiary education, the Government Regulation which previously did not mention Pancasila Education in the curriculum.

"I strongly support the government's policy to make Pancasila Education a separate subject in the national curriculum", Himmatul told VOI, Sunday, April 10.

Although in the past there was a similar subject, namely Pancasila Moral Education (PMP), according to Himmatul, reviving Pancasila Education as a separate subject in the national curriculum was the right step. Considering the many challenges, both internal and external to the Indonesian nation, that can undermine the values ​​of Pancasila as the basis of the state and the nation's philosophy of life.

Himmatul said the nation's journey in the midst of globalization made possible by advances in information and communication technology made the Indonesian nation experience a deficit of Pancasila values. She said the rise of pornography, immoral acts, sexual violence, drug use, juvenile delinquency, crime, corruption, terrorism, hate speech, spreading hoax news, and several other social problems need to be taken seriously through curriculum improvements.

Therefore, the Gerindra politician views the return of Pancasila Education in the national curriculum as an effort to instill Pancasila values ​​from an early age through formal education. This is so that the personality and national identity that adheres to the values ​​of Pancasila can be actualized in everyday life.

"I have received many complaints from people in various regions and also in my constituency in DKI Jakarta II (Central Jakarta, South Jakarta, and Abroad) regarding the absence of Pancasila Moral Education (PMP) subjects in the national curriculum. Teachers and parents students complain because the values ​​of Pancasila are fading in children and students", she said.

Since the beginning as a member of Indonesian Parliament Commission X, Himmatul admitted that she had continued to fight for aspirations by conveying to the Minister of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology at a Working Meeting about the need to restore PMP as a compulsory subject in schools.

"Therefore, I appreciate hearing this aspiration and support for the return of Pancasila Education as a separate subject in the national curriculum", concluded Himmatul Aliyah.

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