JAKARTA - The Head of the Selection Committee (Pansel) for the Candidate Commissioner of the National Human Rights Commission (Komnas HAM) Makarim Wibisono assesses that a strong commitment to human rights must be pocketed by the elected commissioners for the 2022-2027 period.

"First, what we emphasize to candidates is their commitment to human rights issues," he said when contacted in Jakarta, Friday, April 8, quoted from Antara.

This commitment, said Makarim, involves all aspects. Whether it's about understanding, promoting, enforcing, protecting, and realizing in the field concerning human rights.

In addition to soliciting and seeking candidates who have high commitment, the Pansel Team will explore the background of each candidate, especially regarding or relating to human rights.

"So whether they are used to dealing with human rights issues or not, it is also necessary to find out," said the Director-General of Foreign Economic Relations at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for the period 2000-2002.

According to him, this aspect needs to be explored for each candidate because it is not an easy matter for someone to resolve human rights violations.

Apart from these two things, the Pansel Team is looking for or hoping for a commissioner candidate who can capture human rights issues and find a way out.

"So we hope they can find a way out with all the differences that exist," he said.

Thus, he added, the solution provided by the elected commissioner could provide answers or legal certainty for victims of human rights violations

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