JAKARTA - The number of recipients of the COVID-19 booster vaccine in Indonesia has reached 157.974.507 (157.98 million) as of Monday, March 28, 12.00 p.m.

Data from the COVID-19 Handling Task Force reported that the number of residents who received the complete dose was obtained after experiencing an increase of 133.749 people.

The total number of residents who received the first dose was 195.958.039 people. An increase of 68.824 people.

While the recipients of the third vaccine dose increased by 170.804 people. Bringing the total to 20.134.645 people.

As many as 208.265.720 Indonesian citizens are still being targeted by the government to receive COVID-19 vaccinations.

The Task Force appealed to all Indonesian citizens to remain disciplined in implementing health protocols, including immediately completing vaccine doses or getting a COVID-19 booster vaccine at the nearest health facility.

This is intended so that immunity can be formed and provide optimal protection to the community, especially in entering the holy month of Ramadan 1443 Hijri.

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