SEMARANG - The food task force team of the Central Java Police carried out inspections in hundreds of locations to ensure the availability of cooking oil and stable sales prices in Central Java. As of March 20, 2022, the food task force team conducted inspections in 191 locations related to the distribution and sale of cooking oil.

The Head of the Central Java Police through the Head of Public Relations of the Central Java Police, Grand Commissioner Pol. M Iqbal Alqudusy, stated that the availability of oil in Central Java was still sufficient based on data and available daily stock supplies.

"For the daily stock of cooking oil, 45,968 liters are needed, while the available stock in Central Java is 52,032 liters. So based on this data, oil stocks in Central Java are still safe," Iqbal said in a written statement, Wednesday, March 23.

Even so, Iqbal admits that there is a lack of stock in a number of modern stores. For this reason, his party immediately conducted an investigation in the field and contacted the distributor regarding the existing cooking oil distribution constraints.

"There are shops where the goods (cooking oil) are sold out immediately, and it is repeated several times. There are also those whose stock in stores is still normal. So it depends on the level of need in each region. Things that should be anticipated are irregularities and distributions, whether it is late or stopped. If there are deviations, there will be strict action," he said.

He also explained that the shortage of cooking oil in Central Java had been resolved. The long queues of consumers buying cooking oil are relatively non-existent.

"Alhamdulillah, the scarcity of cooking oil and queues in Central Java have been resolved. The Central Java Police and related stakeholders will continue to monitor its distribution and other needs through the food task force," he added.

Meanwhile, the Special Crime Investigation Directorate of Central Java Police through the Head of Sub-Directorate I/Indagsi, Grand Commissioner Adjutant of Police Rosyid Hartanto revealed, the food task force team continues to patrol and monitor the availability of oil, including price stability in the market.

"On Monday (March 21) the food task force team checked the information regarding the oil stock in one of the shops in Johar Market. The findings were that it was true that there was a shortage of oil in one of the big shops caused by the DO problem. As the result, new cooking oil availability can be carried out on Tuesday (22 March) morning," he said.

Rosyid explained, regarding the DO issue, his party immediately asked the distributor to speed up the DO grant and immediately deliver the goods.

"The goods are immediately distributed to shops and sold out in the afternoon," he said.

Based on data from four major distributors of cooking oil in Central Java on March 22 yesterday, said Rosyid, the available cooking oil stock reached 6,780 tons.

"Coordination and supervision continue to be carried out. The Food Task Force has provided advice regarding the distribution of cooking oil and its selling price so that it is in accordance with government regulations. For its implementation, let's monitor it together in the field," he concluded.

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