BANDARLAMPUNG - The Directorate of Special Crimes (Dit Krimsus) of the Lampung Regional Police in a period of three months arrested four suspects for spreading immoral videos through social media.

Deputy Director of the Special Crimes Directorate (Wadir Krimsus) of the Lampung Police Popon A Sunggoro said the four suspects responsible for spreading the immoral video had the initials BBK and the victim initialed JA, the suspect AYI and the victim FTN, the suspect ABS with the victim DAP, and the suspect DM with the victim NK.

"The arrest of the suspect was based on reports from the victims in the period from January to March 2022," said Popon, in Bandarlampung, Wednesday, March 23.

He continued that the suspects were arrested for distributing immoral videos belonging to each of their victims.

They spread the video because they hurt their victims.

"On average, these suspects are hurt, because their lover has decided, so they spread the indecent video through social media," he said.

In addition to spreading the indecent video on social media, he said, there were also perpetrators who were desperate to spread the video to the victim's parents so that the victim experienced psychological pressure.

For their actions, the four suspects were charged with Article 27 paragraph (1) 1 in conjunction with Article 45 paragraph (1) of Law no. 19 of 2016 concerning Amendments to Law No. 11 of 2008 concerning Information and Electronic Transactions (ITE) with the threat of imprisonment for six years and a fine of IDR 1 billion.

Popon said that apart from arresting four suspects for spreading immoral videos, at the same time his party also arrested one suspect in a case of spreading fake news that caused victims to lose money in online buying and selling.

"One suspect spreading fake news with the initials RW," he said again.

The modus operandi of the suspect is RW, by selling classic motorbikes online through his Instagram.

"So this suspect has an Instagram site that sells classic motorbikes. After the victim sent money of IDR 7.5 million, but the suspect did not send the motorbike so the victim reported it to the Lampung Police," he also said.

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