JAKARTA - The Criminal Investigation Unit of the Indonesian National Police has started tracing the assets of Hendry Susanto, who is the boss behind the Fahrenheit trading robot. This investigation is related to the eradication of the crime of money laundering (TPPU).

"We are still investigating and tracing," said Head of Sub-Directorate V of the Directorate of Special Economic Crimes at the National Police's Criminal Investigation Department, Kombes Ma'mun, when confirmed, Wednesday, March 23.

This asset search was carried out because based on the police report received, the amount of losses reached hundreds of billions. It was recorded that there were 18 whistleblowers representing tens to hundreds of victims. Thus, the search for assets resulting from crime must be carried out.

"From the 18 people we examined, it turned out to be representative of their groups. So in one group there were 15 people, there were 20 people, there were 100 people, all kinds of things," said Ma'mun.

"Of these 18 people, hundreds of billions (losses, ed)," he continued.

In addition to tracking assets, Ma'mun said he was still developing the case for the trading robot. Because it is possible that there are other suspects.

"We'll see if there's any connection with the others," said Ma'mun.

Meanwhile, Hendry Susanto is suspected of being the mastermind behind the Fahrenheit trading robot case after his name appeared on several pieces of evidence found by the Polda Metro Jaya, one of which was a passport.

Moreover, from the statements of the suspects who have been arrested, they admit that the man is the Director of PT FSP Akademi Pro.

In the case handled by Polda Metro Jaya, at least four people have been arrested. They have the initials D, ILJ, DBC, and MF.

The suspects are charged with Article 28 paragraph 1, Article 45 paragraph 1, Article 27 Paragraph 2, Article 45 Paragraph 2 of Law Number 19 of 2016 concerning Amendments to Law Number 11 of 2008 concerning Electronic Transactions and Information.

And Articles 105 and 106 of the Trade Law and/or Articles 3, 4, and 5 concerning Money Laundering. As well as Articles 55 and 56 of the Criminal Code.

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