JAKARTA - The case of fraudulent investment using Fahrenheit's trading robot is almost completely revealed. The perpetrators have been caught one by one.

A series of facts behind the case began to be discovered. Starting from the alleged mastermind of the crime to the slogans offered to members.

Four Suspects

In this case, the police have arrested four suspects. They had the initials D, ILJ, DBC, and MF who were arrested and had different roles.

"So we have secured 3 at Taman Anggrek, 1 in Tangerang in Alam Sutera," said Director of Special Criminal Investigation at the Metro Jaya Police, Kombes Auliansyah Lubis to reporters, Tuesday, March 22.

For suspect D, act as a website admin and receive money or deposits from members. Suspect ILJ as a social media admin and promoting the trading robot.

Furthermore, the suspects are DBC and MF who have a role in managing the Fahrenheit website.

"Their roles are as Director and then account manager, there is a web admin then another he creates creator content," said Auliansyah.

From the results of the interim examination, the perpetrators have been carrying out their actions for 3 years. However, it is not possible to specify the nominal loss of the victims.

Suspected Crime Mastermind

Although they have arrested four suspects, investigators suspect that there is a mastermind behind this trading robot case.

From the results of the investigation and investigation, one name emerged, namely Hendry Susanto, who was suspected of being the mastermind of the crime.

Hendry Susanto is the Director of PT FSP Academy Pro or the company that oversees Fahrenhei's trading robot. Currently, his whereabouts are still being hunted.

"The director of PT FSP Akademi Pro. Then we checked the PT data, it was indeed the director of HS," Auliansyah.

The suspicion arose because of several pieces of evidence, one of which was a passport with the name Hendry Susanto. Moreover, from the statements of the suspects who have been arrested, they admit that the man is the Director of PT FSP Akademi Pro.

However, until now its existence has not been confirmed. Investigators are still looking for clues and information about this.

"We are still profiling," said Auliansyah.

D4 slogan

During the investigation, interesting facts were revealed. One of them is the D4 slogan introduced by the perpetrators to their members.

"The perpetrators explained to members that the Farhenheit trading robot had a slogan, namely D4," said Auliansyah.

The meaning of D4 in the slogan is sit down, be quiet, earn money. This slogan is used so that people are tempted and believe in investing in Farenheit trading robots.

"Well, with this they convey to the public so that people may feel confident so they place their money on this Farhenheit trading robot," he said.

In addition to using the slogan, the suspects also lure convenience to their members.

They claim the Fahrenheit trading robot can monitor the ups and downs of invested stocks. So, society will not lose.

"The problem with how this trading robot works, they convey to the public that this trading robot is a tool that can monitor when people put their money in Fahrenheit," said Auliansyah.

"They said that the robot would avoid any loss or loss of money that people invested in Farhenheit," he explained.

If the public has been deceived, the suspects also require potential victims to buy a trading robot for 10 percent of the invested funds. With this mode, they will benefit.

"And requires members to buy robots for 10 percent of the invested funds," said Auliansyah.

In this case, the suspects are charged with Article 28 paragraph 1, Article 45 paragraph 1, Article 27 paragraph 2, Article 45 paragraph 2 of Law Number 19 of 2016 concerning Amendments to Law Number 11 of 2008 concerning Electronic Transactions and Information.

As well as Articles 105 and 106 of the Trade Law and/or Articles 3, 4, and 5 concerning Money Laundering. As well as Articles 55 and 56 of the Criminal Code.

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