BOGOR - Head of the Bogor City Education Office, West Java, Hanafi, reviewed the health protocols (prokes) for elementary schools, which for the first time were granted leniency to allow grade 1, 2, and 3 students to take part in limited face-to-face learning (PTM) during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The review was carried out by Hanafi with his staff, Monday, March 21 morning, at SDN Police 1 to ensure health care facilities and infrastructures such as temperature checks, barriers to student queues to enter the school building, hand washing basins, and student seating distances.

"For first, second, and third graders, this is an opportunity for them to get to know each other, so when I entered the room, they started to introduce themselves, of course, keep their distance", Hanafi said as quoted by Antara.

Hanafi conveyed that basically the limited PTM this time was in a condition where the spread of COVID-19 was reduced so that the Disdik task of monitoring the progress of the health program went well.

Education Office does not want the 211 elementary and 270 junior high schools (SMP) to be careless about the prokes that are prone to causing the spread of COVID-19 to increase again.

According to Antara's observation at the location, SDN Polisi 1 Primary school, anyone who came to the school was greeted by a temperature check carried out by the security guard. Then, if students immediately enter the entrance, the queue that has been prepared to get to the door of the school building.

Arriving in the first hallway, a handwashing basin has been prepared so that before entering class, students are ready to study in a clean state.

Right next to the washbasin is class 1 so as not to confuse students because they have just tried out socialization through limited PTM.

The city of Bogor has returned to the status of implementing community activity restrictions (PPKM) level 2 since last week simultaneously with agglomeration areas.

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