JAKARTA - Overcoming the scarcity of cooking oil in Central Jakarta, Deputy Mayor of Central Jakarta, Irwandi asked his staff to innovate to overcome the scarcity of cooking oil so as not to make it difficult for the community.

Irwandi instructed two Regional Apparatus Work Units (UKPD) to cooperate with cooking oil association entrepreneurs so that there is no shortage of cooking oil in the Central Jakarta area.

"The UKPD that can provide this is the KPKP Sub-Department and Central Jakarta PPKUKM Sub-Department. The two UKPDs must be able to find a way to bring cooking oil," said Irwandi when confirmed by VOI, Wednesday, March 16.

Irwandi said that the KPKP Sub-Department and PPKUKM Sub-Department should not wait for directions from the relevant Office. The ranks of the two sub-departments are expected to create innovations in overcoming the scarcity of cooking oil.

"They must anticipate the scarcity of cooking oil, don't just wait for it from the Department. They must have innovations in presenting cooking oil," he said.

Irwandi also reminded that ahead of Ramadan, he was asked to bring cooking oil in market operations. The reason is currently the scarcity of cooking oil is still happening.

"If there will be a market operation, there will be no crowds. The good thing is that later it will be sent down in each village, not in one village, so that there will be no crowds," he said.

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