TANGERANG - Suspected of depression, a man in Ciledug was desperate to end his life by hanging himself in his rented apartment in Ciledung, Tangerang City, Saturday, March 12. The death of the young man with the initials VM (26), is said to be related to the sexual violence he committed.

Agam, a friend of the victim, said that VM has a closed personality. Therefore, he does not know more about the problems experienced by the VM itself.

"He (VM) can be said to be a quiet person, closed. He talks simply. If we ask him he will answer, he is rare to start first," said Agam when contacted, Monday, March 14.

Regarding VM's allegations of sexual harassment which went viral on Twitter, Agam said that the victim had wanted to make a video apologizing for his actions. This was known after receiving information from the victim's friends.

"He (VM) said he wanted to make a video of apologies. Well, a friend that was talking to him said, that night he will want to take responsibility for what his victims have asked for," said Agam.

Even VM, had made a status on his Twitter account regarding an apology and was ready to accept the consequences. However, it turns out that the victim decided to end his life by hanging himself.

Agam suspects if the victim is unable to accept the blasphemy from netizens for his actions.

"Maybe yes. What do you feel after getting pressure from netizens? Well, said my friend who talked to him that night, he basically wants to take responsibility," he said.

Meanwhile, the Tangerang Metro Police Chief, Grand Commissioner Komarudin, said that his party was investigating the motive for VM's recklessness to commit suicide by hanging himself.

"Still under investigation. Maybe his family knows, but because the atmosphere is still grieving, we appreciate the family of the deceased. We're still waiting," he said.

It is known, before deciding to commit suicide, the victim had made a tweet on Twitter social media @vikivikicaw on Friday, March 11. VM admits his actions and wants to apologize to his victims.

"In the future I will make a video clarification, because I did it. And there is a guarantee of a statement at the same time and an ID card. To the victims I will personally apologize for the consequences for the victims," wrote @Vikivikicaw.

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