MANADO - The Ministry of Law and Human Rights (Kemenkumham) provides an online registration facility for micro and small business individual companies (UMK).

"The legal entity status of an individual company is obtained after electronic registration and proof of registration," said Acting Head of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights of North Sulawesi Jonny Pesta at the Dissemination and Facilitation of Individual Company Registration at the Sutan Raja Hotel, Kotamobagu, North Sulawesi, Thursday 24 February.

The activity, which was attended by Kotamobagu UMK actors, was attended by Deputy Mayor of Kotamobagu Nayodo Koerniawan, Head of Legal and Human Rights Services Division Ronald Lumbuun, Head of Correctional Division Bambang Haryanto, and Head of Immigration Division Junita Sitorus.

According to Jonny Pesta, registration for the establishment of an individual company for micro and small businesses is very easy, cheap, and fast.

The Ministry of Law and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia has completed online registration at the Directorate General of General Legal Administration of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights through the page.

Technically, regional office operators register online on the website. - with the requirements of KTP and NPWP.

After that, a statement was made that the UMK had a business. Furthermore, the business actor pays an administrative fee of IDR 50 thousand as PNBP for registration.

At that time there was a signing of a collaboration between the Regional Office of the Kemenkumham of North Sulawesi and the Kotamobagu City Government in the Intellectual Property Sector.

The signing was carried out by the Deputy Mayor of Kotamobagu Nayodo Koerniawan together with the Acting Head of the North Sulawesi Kemenkumham Regional Office, Jonny Pesta Simamora.

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