TANGERANG – The defendant Simon (24) who was reported to the police for selling a refrigerator plans to report his mother, LF (45) regarding the alleged forgery of signatures.

After being released from prison, Simon (24) intends to report his biological mother, LF (45) on suspicion of forging signatures.

"In the near future the defendant (Simon) will report his mother (on suspicion of) forging signatures," said Simon's attorney, Muhammad Mualimin at the Tangerang District Court, Thursday, February 24.

Mualimin said that LF had forged signatures in order to guarantee his house for a loan of IDR 500 million. The incident happened in 2020.

"So he didn't feel that his signature was suddenly used as collateral for a loan at BRI worth 500 million. He (Simon) never signed but he has a signature on the letter in his name. It was suspected to be fake," he said.

"Yes, yes (his mother), because she really is, we suspect it is because she borrowed from the bank, (so) who enjoys is his mother," he continued.

Simon plans to discuss with his client further about the forgery.

"We will give a briefing first, because this Simon actually feels wronged, he is a bit emotional. (Later) when it comes out, we will be ready," he said.

Previously, it was reported that a woman, LF (45), in South Tangerang reported that her biological son, Simon (24) in South Tangerang, on charges of selling a used refrigerator at her home and being tried again at the Tangerang District Court.

In this trial led by the chairman of the panel of judges, Edy Toto Purba, Simon was sentenced to three months in prison.

"Imposing a sentence of imprisonment for three months," said the chairman of the panel of judges during the trial, Thursday, February 24.

"I accept," replied Simon.

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