JAKARTA - Lebaran homecoming is a moment that is eagerly awaited to gather with family in their hometowns. On a long journey, gadgets such as smartphones, tablets, and laptops are important tools for communication, navigation, and entertainment. However, the use of gadgets while going home also requires special attention to stay safe and well connected.
Here are some important tips that can be applied during homecoming trips:
Before leaving, make sure all the devices are in full battery condition. In addition, prepare a power bank with a large capacity so that it can charge on trips, especially if using public transportation that does not provide electricity plugs.
To avoid draining battery quickly, activate power saving mode on smartphones or tablets. Reduce the use of applications that drain a lot of power, such as video streaming or playing games for a long time.
Charger and spare cables are very important if at any time something is damaged or left behind. If traveling by private vehicle, use a car charger so that you can charge the device at any time.
Make sure the internet data package is sufficient for travel. If possible, use Wi-Fi in rest areas or stops to save quotas. However, avoid accessing personal data or banking transactions through a public Wi-Fi network to maintain security.
Applications such as Google Maps, Waze, or the official application of the Ministry of Transportation can help get information on homecoming flow, road conditions, and alternative routes so that travel is smoother. Make sure this application is installed and updated before leaving.
Do not carelessly download the application or click on suspicious links that can endanger personal data. Enable security features such as two-step verification and use banking applications carefully.
If you drive yourself, avoid using gadgets while driving because it can interfere with concentration. Use the voice assistant or hands-free feature if you have to use your phone for navigation or communication.
Make sure emergency contacts such as family, car crane services, or public transportation call centers are stored on mobile phones. This will be very useful if an emergency situation occurs during the trip.
While in public, always store gadgets in a safe place and don't leave them unsupervised. Use the "Wind My Device" feature on Android or "Wind My iPhone" on iOS to track the device if it's missing.
To save internet quota, download music, movies, or digital books before travel. That way, you can still enjoy entertainment without having to rely on an internet connection that may be unstable in some areas.
By following the tips above, the homecoming trip will be more comfortable, safe, and still connected to family and other important information. Happy homecoming and happy Eid al-Fitr with loved ones!
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