GORONTALO - The vaccinator team for the Medicine and Health Sector of the Gorontalo Police and Health Affairs of the Gorontalo Police opened vaccination services for students and the general public at SD Negeri 5 Limboto School, Gorontalo Regency, Gorontalo Province.

One of the teams of doctors in the field of Medicine and Health, Dr. Irvan Jatmiko, said that in the vaccination, there were students who received doses of one and two vaccinations.

"Meanwhile, teenagers, the elderly, and the general public receive a second dose and a booster", he said in Limboto, Gorontalo Regency, Friday, February 18.

He explained that the implementation of the COVID-19 vaccination in schools was one of the ongoing efforts to accelerate vaccination in the Gorontalo area.

"We continue to accelerate vaccination to realize herd immunity, both in the school environment and outside the school", he said.

The vaccination activity, he said, was carried out by procedures, starting from the registration, screening, vaccine injection, and observation stages.

"In carrying out the vaccination, we provide Sinovac, AstraZeneca, Pfizer vaccines", he explained.

The activity which was held in the schoolyard was attended by 245 people, consisting of 137 students, 75 general public, four elderly, three teenagers, and 26 Polri.

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