GORONTALO - A resident of Luhuto Village, Biau District, North Gorontalo Regency, Andi Rahman (38) disappeared in the waters of Jin City Hamlet, Tolinggula Pantai Village, Tolinggula District. At the time of the incident, the victim was fishing with his son SH (13).

The unfortunate incident occurred around 16.00 central Indonesia time, Thursday, February 17. Tolinggula sub-district head, Dahlan Wante, said the son's father was fishing in the estuary.

"But at around 16.00 central Indonesia time, suddenly the high tide and waves dragged the two of them far enough apart and separated," he said as quoted by Antara.

Another resident who was also at the scene, Abdul Kahar, said Dahlan, had given information that when they saw the incident, residents who were also fishing immediately tried to help.

The victim's child could be saved, but when he tried to help Andi, his body was no longer visible.

Dahlan said the search was still ongoing until 21.00 central Indonesia time, by the Tolinggula Police, Tolinggula Post Police, Babinsa officers, the Civil Service Police Unit (Satpol-PP), and local residents, using compressor machines and flashlights.

"However, we have temporarily suspended our search, considering the very extreme weather. The rain continues to pour, plus the wave height is quite worrying, and the current in the estuary is very strong," he said.

The sub-district government, he said, has reported the situation to the district government, the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD), and members of Commission III of the North Gorontalo DPRD. He confirmed that the search would continue on Friday (18/2) morning.

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