JAKARTA - The police arrested four perpetrators of the beating that resulted in the death of LEH (17) in the Tarumajaya area, Bekasi. From the results of the urine examination, three of them were positive for consuming methamphetamine.

"Three people were affected by the use of methamphetamine," said Head of Public Relations of the Jakarta Metropolitan Police, Kombes E. Zulpan, to reporters, Friday, February 11.

All of the perpetrators, who belonged to the Brother Stress motorcycle gang, had drunk alcohol. Allegedly, the reason is to make them brave.

"Then also use or drink liquor according to his confession the type of red wine," said Zulpan.

Because, before persecuting the victim, the perpetrators intended to fight. They will look for enemies in the Tanjung Priok area, North Jakarta.

"In addition, the results of the examination also revealed that the perpetrators could be at the scene because they intended to fight. So, they have prepared themselves by carrying sharp weapons.

"Those who hang out with sharp weapons who are planning to get into a brawl in Tanjung Priok must equip themselves with sharp weapons," said Zulpan.

For information, a teenager with the initials LEH (17) was killed by a group of youths in the Tarumajaya area, Bekasi, Sunday, February 6.

This beating is because the victim is called a thief. In fact, LEH was looking for her lost pet cat.

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