JAKARTA - Nutrition and metabolic consultant pediatrician at the University of Indonesia Hospital (RSUI), dr. Yoga Devaera, Sp.A(K) reminded parents to give their children a variety of foods to fulfill their nutritional needs.

According to him, the food given previously must be adjusted to the child's weight and height.

"To meet nutritional needs, it is done by eating a variety of foods. The more you eat a variety of foods, the less likely you are to get a nutritional deficiency," he said as quoted by Antara, Sunday, February 6.

Yoga said that for school-aged children, one of whom is 6-12 years old, the increase in height occurs very quickly and will decrease from year to year with age.

"The growth of children at school age (6-12 years) is at the lowest growth period compared to the period of infant growth and puberty," he said.

Similarly, the growing mass index (BMI) at that age, which is at its lowest period with the lowest body fat composition and increases with puberty.

Problems that occur at that age, namely malnutrition, overweight (obesity), and micronutrient deficiencies are also quite high. In these school-age children, bone health and nutritional adequacy also affect growth.

Bone health is influenced by several things and not only is calcium sufficient for children, but also vitamin D, magnesium, phosphate, and others.

Meanwhile, the nutritional adequacy of children aged 6-12 years is influenced by various things such as physical activity, pubertal status, and malnutrition.

In addition to a healthy diet with a variety of foods, Yoga also reminds parents to limit sugar and salt, provide intake according to the child's condition, such as for overweight and obese children can be given low-calorie foods, while for malnourished children can be given high-calorie foods.

On the other hand, children also need to be monitored for weight and height regularly, ideally every 6 months.

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