LEBAK - Dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) has attacked 13 sub-districts in Lebak Regency, Banten Province. As of Thursday, there were 90 people affected by DHF and four of them died.

The Head of the Communicable Disease Prevention Eradication Section (P3M) at the Lebak Rohmat District Health Office said that residents who were positive for dengue were spread in 39 cases in Rangkasbitung, 15 cases in Cibadak, nine cases in Kalanganyar, five cases in Cibeber and five cases in Cimarga.

Other areas, Curugbitung sub-district four cases, Maja three cases, Sajira three cases, Warunggunung two cases, Cileles two cases, Cipanas one case, Cikulur one case and Sobang one case.

"So far, we have continued to optimize health services so as not to cause many fatalities for DHF sufferers", he said in Lebak, Antara on Thursday, February 3.

According to him, dengue is a disease that needs to be watched out for because it can cause death and can occur due to an unsanitary environment.

Various efforts have been made to prevent the spread of dengue outbreaks, one of the ways is by carrying out the Eradication of Mosquito Nests (PSN) and Draining, Closing, and Burying (3M) as well as granting abatement to kill DHF mosquito larvae.

"Let our residents carry out the PSN and 3M movements in their respective environments to be free from DHF", said Rohmat.

Meanwhile, several residents of Rangkasbitung, Lebak Regency said that the current population of dengue mosquitoes was breeding due to increased rainfall so the community played an active role in optimizing the culture of cooperation by carrying out environmental hygiene activities.

"We are here every weekend working together to prevent the breeding of the Aedes aegypti mosquito population", said Wawi (40), a resident of Rangkasbitung, Lebak Regency.

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