BENGKULU - The Bengkulu Provincial Health Office reported that there were 13 active cases of COVID-19 in Bengkulu Province, bringing the total number of patients infected with the corona virus to 55 people.

The addition was based on the results of the examination of 439 swab test samples examined at the M. Yunus Bengkulu Hospital Laboratory that were positively infected with COVID-19.

"Covid-19 cases in Bengkulu Province continue to experience a spike," said Bengkulu Provincial Health Office Head Herwan Antoni in Bengkulu City, Wednesday, February 2.

According to him, most of the 13 cases came from Bengkulu City as many as 8 cases consisting of male patients (13), female (17), male (32), female (29), male (55), and male (55), male (45), female (24), and female (23).

The eight patients are currently self-isolating at their respective homes. Then in North Bengkulu Regency, there were four cases, namely female (4), female (41), female (32), and female (33).

And from Central Bengkulu, one case is a woman (43) and the five are in self-isolation.

Herwan continued, his party was tracking the 13 patients to find out whether there were additional new cases or not.

"And will send 16 samples to the Litbankes of the Ministry of Health to find out whether the type of omicron is or not," he said.

In addition, there is one case of a COVID-19 patient who was declared cured, namely from Bengkulu City.

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