JAKARTA - Minister of Religion Yaqut Cholil Qoumas appreciates the efforts of Commission VIII of the House of Representatives which has pushed for the Pondok Gede Jakarta Hajj Dormitory to be used as a quarantine place, because it will make it easier for Umrah pilgrims in terms of financing. quarantine place after going through a working meeting with BNPB," said the Minister of Religion, while holding a working meeting with Commission VIII DPR at the Senayan Complex, Jakarta, Monday, January 24. Yaqut considered the quarantine fee at Pondok Gede Hajj Dormitory to be cheaper than at a hotel. In addition, Hajj dormitories are more flexible, so pilgrims will not be bored while undergoing quarantine.

"Because in the Hajj dormitory the window can still be opened, in the hotel it is difficult to open. So if you need an open space in the Hajj hostel, it is still possible, in the hotel it is difficult," he said. However, according to him, the problem is the availability of beds. Until January 13, 2022, pilgrims who have left for the Holy Land have reached 1,750 people. The number continues to grow considering that departures are still being carried out until now. Meanwhile, based on BNPB data, Pondok Gede Jakarta Hajj Dormitory has 780 beds. BNPB has also reviewed the Jakarta Education Quality Guarantee Institution (LPMP) which has an additional 480 beds, bringing the total to 1,260 beds. Regarding the shortage, BNPB has coordinated with the Indonesian Hotel and Restaurant Association (PHRI) to provide additional beds for quarantine. Umrah pilgrims returning from Saudi Arabia. "After we held a ratas (limited meeting) the Hajj hostel was approved to be a quarantine place for Umrah pilgrims. Later those who do not get a quota in the Hajj hostel will have a hotel for quarantine," said the Head of BNPB Suharyanto.

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