DENPASAR - The Ministry of Finance (Kemenku) has canceled one of the agenda series of the G20 financial track or the Finance Track in 2022 in Bali. The G20 Ministerial-Governor Central Bank meeting was moved to Jakarta to consider the Omicron case.

Deputy Governor of Bali Tjok Oka Artha Ardhana Sukawati (Cok Ace) said the meeting was held in Jakarta because the event was a hybrid event. According to him, many participants from abroad were not present in person.

"So to facilitate the implementation, it was withdrawn to Jakarta. If in Bali it was planned that foreign participants came and now they are in Jakarta. From the information I got, I just got information from BI (Bank Indonesia), indeed the participants are from outside did not come. So he went through a hybrid," said Cok Ace, Thursday, January 20.

But Cok Ace still hopes that the event will be held in Bali. Moreover, according to him, Bali has lower COVID-19 cases than Jakarta.

"Of course, we really didn't expect it to be moved like this, because the size of the omicron is even more gentle in Bali. If, for example, it's only Indonesian (participants) who don't come outside, it's actually not linear with the work from Bali, like that," he said.

According to Cok Ace, the central government has many considerations regarding this event. Therefore, Cok Ace hopes that the G20 Ministerial-Governor Central Bank meeting will remain in Bali.

"So we actually hope it will be implemented in Bali. But I believe the central government has other considerations beyond what I expected. With this time remaining, we hope that there will be changes," he said.

Previously informed, the Ministry of Finance canceled one of the series of events on the G20 financial track (Finance Track) in Bali and was moved to Jakarta on the grounds of soaring omicron cases.

The cancellation was stated in the letter of the Ministry of Finance Number S-3/G20.33/2022 which was signed by Secretary I of the G20 Meeting Implementation Committee (Logistics) Rudy Rahmaddi.

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