JAKARTA - Secretary of the NasDem Party Faction of Indonesia House of Representatives, Saan Mustofa, responded to the 4 names that were rumored to be candidates for the Head of the Archipelago State Capital Authority (IKN). Namely Bambang Brodjonegoro, Basuki Tjahaja Purnama or Ahok, Tumiyono and Azwar Anas.

According to Saan, the names that have been circulated are people who have adequate capabilities in leading the administration of the government.

"Bambang Brojonegoro was once the Head of Bappenas, Mr. Ahok (Basuki Tjahaja Purnama) had experience in DKI Jakarta, and Pak Azwar Anas was the Regent of Banyuwangi for two terms", said Saan, Wednesday, January 19.

The Deputy Chair of the Special Committee for the IKN Bill emphasized that the candidate for the Head of the IKN Authority must be someone who is able to work optimally to realize the concept of development in the new IKN.

"We have to find people who are willing to work optimally and have concepts related to building the National Capital even though there is already a master plan", said Saan.

However, the Deputy Chairman of Commission II of the Indonesia House of Representatives assessed that the appointment of the Head of the Nusantara IKN Authority was the authority of the President. As stipulated in the IKN Bill.

Saan said, the head of the authority must be someone who has a technocratic background and has the ability to prepare, build and administer a government. Because he said, the task of being the head of the authority was very heavy.

"President Jokowi will choose the best people who are able to work optimally in realizing development in the new IKN", said Saan.

It is known that the Draft Law on the State Capital (RUU IKN) has been passed into law at the House of Representatives plenary meeting yesterday, Tuesday, January 18.

In the law, it is regulated that the administration of the regional government of the nation's capital will be led by a head of authority who is directly appointed by the president. One of the most highlighted is the former governor of DKI Jakarta, Basuki Tjahaja Purnama or Ahok.

"There are many candidates. One Mr. Bambang Brodjonegoro, two Mr. Ahok, three Mr. Tumiyono, four Mr. Azwar Anas", said Jokowi at the Merdeka Palace, Jakarta, Monday, March 2 2020.

For information, Bambang Brodjonegoro has served as Minister of Research and Technology. He was listed as the person who participated in planning the relocation of the new capital city when he served as Head of the National Planning and Development Agency.

Second, is Basuki Tjahaja Purnama alias Ahok. It is common knowledge that the closeness between him and Jokowi was built when they led the capital city of DKI Jakarta together. Ahok now sits as the President Commissioner of PT Pertamina (Persero).

The third name is Tumiyono. Currently he serves as the President Director of PT Wijaya Karya (Persero) Tbk. This state-owned construction company has a number of projects in the construction of the nation's capital or a new capital city.

The last name that Jokowi mentioned has the potential to occupy the Head of the State Capital Authority is PDIP politician Abdullah Azwar Anas. The former Banyuwangi Regent is now the Head of the Government Goods/Services Procurement Policy Institute (LKPP).

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