JAKARTA - Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo's assistance to a Temanggung resident has led to a polemic. This issue became a buzz after a man named Fajar returned the aid to Ganjar.

Speculation is growing that Fajar returned the aid because of pressure from elements of the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDIP) DPD. After investigating, it turns out that Fajar Nugroho is the deputy chairman of the PDIP Sub-branch Management (PAC) in Temanggung District.

Not because of the intervention, Fajar admitted that he was upset because the video of Ganjar's visit to his house was uploaded to his YouTube account and his comments were considered to have tarnished the name of PDIP.

The video was uploaded on Ganjar's personal YouTube and titled 'UGLY HOUSE OF THE PDIP CADRE IN CURVY LAND'.

"That's what makes me sick, this is why my party was brought up, yes (the title). If for example, I don't use it in the name of the party, I'm fine, it's okay, but why is this using the name of the party," said Fajar.

It is known that Ganjar visited Fajar's house, who is a PDIP Temanggung cadre, on Sunday, January 9. Ganjar came to Fajar's house to provide food assistance and wanted to renovate Fajar's house to make it habitable.

Not only that, but Ganjar also gave gifts to Fajar's children in the form of toys and cellphones. Ganjar also offered to provide business assistance for workshop equipment and motorcycle washing equipment to Fajar. At that time, Fajar and his family were very happy and glad to receive help from Ganjar.

However, on Wednesday, January 12, Fajar caused a stir because he intended to return all the assistance that Ganjar had given him.

In fact, the polemic escalated when the chairman of the Solo PDIP DPC, FX Hadi Rudyatmo said that Fajar's return of aid was because Fajar was pressured by a number of PDIP Temanggung DPC administrators on orders from the Central Java PDIP DPD.

So, what is the political view of the polemic?

A political observer from Al Azhar University Indonesia, Andriadi Achmad, said he was surprised by the return of the aid. The reason is that the provision of assistance is still in the capacity of a governor who helps his citizens. Not in the context of the election campaign or the presidential election.

"Why must it be rejected if the aid does not contain elements of money politics in politics (elections or presidential elections, ed)," Andriadi told VOI, Thursday, January 13.

As it is known, Fajar suspected that the aid that became popular on social media was intended by Ganjar Pranowo for imaging.

"In fact, I judge that the person who returned the assistance from Ganjar, or the person concerned, is looking for sensationalism and so that it will go viral in the mass media. Because they do things that are rarely done by most people. Even though the person concerned may need the help," explained Andriadi.

The Executive Director of PolCom SRC understands that it is Fajar's right to refuse the assistance. Although there are indications that Fajar was intimidated to return the aid.

But according to him, any social assistance from politicians, whether in office or not, please accept it as long as it does not contain elements of money politics. Let's just say, said Andriadi, that the politicians are distributing sustenance and distributing social assistance (money or basic necessities).

"Even if Fajar's action returned the aid from Ganjar Pranowo because there was intimidation from certain parties, I think it was too intimidating. Moreover, the assistance was basic materials or basic necessities that were really needed by the person concerned," said Andriadi.

Suspected Intervention to Return Aid

This polemic started from the chairman of the Solo PDIP DPC, FX Hadi Rudyatmo, who said the cadre concerned returned aid because of the intervention of certain parties. What is the basis?

Rudy, as he is familiarly called, explained that the basis for his statement was his experience so far. Rudy himself admitted that he had been a poor citizen, so he understood their thoughts.

"So far, I have never heard of poor people being helped, mediated, then returned. It's not just poor people who impoverish themselves, but instead, they are returned, their names are pretentious," said Rudy in Pucangsawit, Thursday, January 13.

Rudy regretted the action because Fajar was also a PDIP cadre. Even Fajar is an administrator at the sub-district level (Sub-Branch Management or PAC) in Temanggung.

"He said that Mas Fajar is a militant cadre. If the militants think far, will this harm the party or not? Because this is clearly detrimental. It's like being a militant, the Regent Election (Pilbup Temanggung) just lost," he said.

In fact, if Fajar was a PDIP Solo DPC cadre, the former Solo mayor confirmed that he would impose sanctions. Because Fajar's actions are considered to have tarnished the big name of the PDIP.

"(If Fajar is the administrator in Solo) I will definitely sanction this man because it is embarrassing for the party. PDIP is known as a flip-flops party. I'm not ashamed, 90 percent of our cadres are poor," explained Rudy.

Rudy admits that it is better when give help, it is not necessary for others to know. However, Rudy also realizes that as an official, of course, you need documentation as accountability to the community.

"Try flashbacks during the Pilbup, how the Pilg was, all of them have the same right to image and it's okay as long as they don't violate the ITE Law," he said.

On his accusation related to the intervention of the Central Java PDIP DPD to the Temanggung PDIP DPC, Rudy admitted that he was ready to be confronted with those who felt aggrieved. He also admitted that he was not afraid of being fired by the party for his statement.

"I'm ready to be confronted or what to do. I'm ready. I'm ready to be fired. The struggle is temporary pain, but if I give up, the pain will last forever," he concluded.

Denies Intervention, DPC PDIP Temanggung Calls Party Members Offended

Deputy Chairperson of the Temanggung PDI-P DPC, Sutikno, assessed the polemic of returning aid by Fajar Nugroho to the Governor of Central Java, Ganjar Pranowo, was caused by an offended party member.

Therefore, the party administrator gave directions for Fajar to return the aid he had received to Ganjar.

Sutikno himself admitted that he was a party administrator who was pleased with the assistance Ganjar had given to Fajar. Fajar himself is also happy because Ganjar wants to build his house.

However, the problem arose because there were party administrators who did not accept it. The main reason is that they are offended by the upload on YouTube that says Fajar lives in a ramshackle house.

"There are party officials who are offended, he said about uploads on YouTube that said Fajar lived in a rickety hut," said Sutikno in a written statement, Thursday, January 13.

He said that the reason Fajar returned the aid could be because there were directions from other PDIP party officials.

"Maybe because they were ordered to or what from other parties. We don't know the name, but what is clear is that the party's structure is not willing," he said.

So far, Sutikno has yet to name one of the party members who intervened or ordered Fajar to return the aid.

"What is clear is that the party administrator is a little offended, the problem of uploading on YouTube saying that the hut is rickety," he explained.

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