JAKARTA - The National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo has instructed all ranks of the police to maintain public trust and become a law enforcement institution that is increasingly loved by the public.
"Where the Police must be present and take sides with the community who have been in need of the value of justice, it must continue to be improved," Sigit said in a written statement quoted by Antara, Wednesday, January 12.
This request was conveyed by Sigit in a video conference (vicon) analysis and evaluation activity to all levels at the National Police Headquarters, South Jakarta.
In his direction, the National Police Chief emphasized on all his staff to prepare for 2022 by continuing to improve public services and maintain public trust in the Bhayangkara Corps institution.
According to General Sigit, in line with the demands of the times, the National Police must be willing to change themselves through precise transformation of the Police for the police who are expected and loved by the community.
The National Police should be able to measure the level of trust and satisfaction of the public so that they are able to act in accordance with the dynamics in the community.
The former Head of Criminal Investigation Unit also asked the Police to prevent irregularities or violations in order to maintain public trust.
In the future, Sigit wants police personnel to become figures who provide a sense of security to the community.
In addition, the police must also be able to solve problems in the field, enforce the law firmly and humanely, and be a representation of the state's presence when the community needs the presence of the Police.
"Especially being responsive to what the community wants," said Sigit.
In this evaluation, Sigit emphasized on all his staff to work even harder to increase public trust which has recently declined.
According to the former Head of the Propam Police Division, Polri personnel must go directly to the field to listen to the aspirations of the community.
Especially the police personnel at the leadership level to not hesitate to meet the community directly with anyone, regardless of social status or position.
Therefore, the National Police Chief considers it necessary to increase the community gathering activity because it is an effort to pick up the ball as well as a proactive step for the Police to remove communication barriers and can strengthen the relationship between the police and residents.
Not only that, he said, it is also a communication bridge for people who have lost hope, are frustrated, and have negative perceptions about the police.
"In terms of coaching and improvement, we continue to do to increase and restore public trust," said Sigit.
Sigit added that Polri personnel must be present to carry out their main tasks in a professional manner, not anti-criticizing and correcting corrections given by the community and can really be corrected.
The National Police Chief also reminded President Joko Widodo's instructions regarding maintaining and creating a conducive, safe and peaceful investment climate.
Sigit also stated that the National Police must prepare and anticipate from an early age-related to the agenda of national and international events to be held in Indonesia during the COVID-19 pandemic. By continuing to pay attention to health factors, which will have an impact on increasing economic growth.
"The process of the event's journey, this is Indonesia's gamble in the eyes of the world and the obligation of the National Police in terms of maintaining security and social order can run well," he said.
With regard to controlling COVID-19 in order to maintain the national economic recovery, the National Police is in the middle of keeping the movement in check.
The aspirations and expectations of the community that developed for the Polri institution, Sigit said that it was an input and hope from the community to make the Bhayangkara Corps an institution loved by the community.
Therefore, the National Police Chief asked the police not to be tired of continuing to evaluate all inputs.
According to General Sigit, the portraits and colors conveyed by the public, how to like the police and not to like the police, the hopes and things that the Police can realize, the things that the Police believe and don't believe, all of which must be understood by the Police by strengthening and raising things. which increases trust.
"Reduce the things that reduce the confidence of the Police. We have to guard more than 400,000 members and institutions. There is good hope when we meet with the police," said the National Police Chief.
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