JAKARTA – Makasar Police, East Jakarta Again arrested one person who was involved in the beating of a family in Cipinang Melayu. One of the perpetrators who were arrested was a security guard. He was arrested while on guard in the Cipinang area.

The security guard with the initials VG was arrested for his involvement in the incident that occurred on New Year's Eve. After three of his colleagues were caught first, VG is known to have run away, aka a fugitive.

"VG was arrested when the perpetrator was working as a security guard. When my members and I arrived the perpetrator wanted to run away, but he was arrested," said Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Makassar Police, First Inspector Mochamad Zen, when confirmed, Sunday, January 9.

According to the information from the previous investigation by the perpetrator, VG had beaten one of the victims, resulting in injuries to the face.

"This VG is allegedly the perpetrator who hit a female victim's temple using a brick until her face was bruised," said Zen.

With the arrest of VG, there are three other perpetrators who are still at large and in pursuit, including LN, AT, and AG.

The police have further named three suspects, namely, AE, VO, and AA. They are subject to Article 365 of the Criminal Code and/or Article 170 of the Criminal Code and/or Article 351 of the Criminal Code with a penalty of 12 years in prison.

Head of Criminal Investigation Unit for Makassar Police, First Inspector Mochamad Zen, explained that the incident began when a group of youths suddenly came to the victim's house.

"So suddenly a group of people beat a family, their belongings were looted," Zen said when confirmed, Wednesday, January 5.

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