JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo or Jokowi has again added the position of deputy minister in the government structure. This time, Jokowi has added the position of Deputy Minister of Home Affairs (Wamendagri), through Presidential Regulation (Perpres) Number 114 of 2021 concerning the Ministry of Home Affairs.

"In leading the Ministry of Home Affairs, the Minister can be assisted by the Deputy Minister in accordance with the appointment of the President," reads Article 2 paragraph (1) quoted from a copy of the Presidential Regulation.

The Deputy Minister is under and responsible to the Minister. The Deputy Minister has the task of assisting the Minister in leading the implementation of the Ministry's duties.

"The Minister and Deputy Minister are one unitary element of the ministry's leadership," reads Article 3.

Based on Article 2 paragraph (5), the scope of the Deputy Minister's duties includes, among others, assisting the minister in the formulation and/or implementation of the Ministry's policies. Then, assisting the Minister in coordinating the achievement of strategic policies across organizational units of Middle High Leadership Positions or Echelon I within the Ministry.

"The Ministry of Home Affairs has the task of carrying out affairs in the field of domestic government to assist the President in administering the state government," explained Article 4.

Jokowi's decision has also drawn various responses from the Indonesian House of Representatives, especially Commission II in partnership with the Ministry of Home Affairs.

Member of Commission II from the PAN faction, Guspardi Gaus, questioned the position of the deputy interior minister (Wamendagri) signed by President Jokowi. Is it a necessity or for political purposes.

"Is the addition of the Deputy Minister of Home Affairs to accommodate political interests or is it in order to strengthen the performance of the ministry currently led by Tito Karnavian," said Guspardi, Thursday, January 6.

According to the PAN politician, this will actually become a political burden, even from the APBN side.

"Why are positions added to the structure at the Ministry of Home Affairs, is this not a political burden? Is this not a burden on the state budget and also performance. For example, will it be able to assist the duties and authorities of the ministry concerned," explained Guspardi.

Moreover, he said, if the vice minister of Home Affairs would be filled, the cabinet would get fatter.

"When state finances are not good, savings should be made, including budgets for positions that are not an urgent need. The state budget should be used for interests that touch the welfare of the Indonesian people," said Guspardi.

Meanwhile, Deputy Chairman of Commission II of the DPR RI from the PKB faction, Luqman Hakim, assessed that President Jokowi should consult with the DPR RI before taking policies to change the organizational structure of ministries and institutions.

"Although it is not explicitly regulated by law, plans to change the organizational structure of ministries or institutions need to be consulted with the public and the DPR," Luqman told reporters, Thursday, January 6.

The PKB politician said the Council would provide space for public participation and involvement to develop a more ideal organizational structure for each ministry. Of course based on the main tasks, functions and workload of each ministry.

Thus, said Luqman, any presidential decision to change the ministry's organizational structure will gain strong legitimacy from the community.

"So it is not considered just an elitist decision from the president," explained Luqman.

Only organizationally, Luqman added, the consultation will not reduce the president's prerogative in choosing the name that will fill the cabinet seat.

"As for later filling ministers and deputy ministers, of course it remains the prerogative of the president," he concluded.

Unlike PAN and PKB, the NasDem Party did not question President Jokowi's decision to add the position of Deputy Minister of Home Affairs.

Deputy Chairman of Commission III of the DPR from the NasDem faction, Saan Mustofa, assessed that the addition of the position of Deputy Minister of Home Affairs was due to the increasing workload ahead of the 2024 General Election.

"Of course, the President also has many considerations (added the position of the Deputy Minister of Home Affairs, ed). The first is related to the workload," said Saan at the DPR Building, Thursday, January 6.

According to the chairman of the NasDem Party's DPP, the implementation of the 2024 Simultaneous Elections will be quite difficult for the Ministry of Home Affairs. "Later, the Ministry of Home Affairs will face a heavy burden, a big job, there will be 2024 simultaneous national elections, there will be regional elections, there will be presidential elections," said Saan.

Moreover, he continued, in the near future there will be 272 regional heads whose term of office will expire and must be replaced by the executor of the task (Plt).

"Even the Minister of Home Affairs will have to prepare officials because there will be many regional heads who will end in 2022. There are seven governors, right, in 2022 it will end," continued Saan.

Thus, the Secretary of the NasDem Faction of the DPR said, it would not be surprising if the leadership seat at the Ministry of Home Affairs was added. According to him, President Jokowi's decision makes sense if it is based on the burden that will be carried by the Ministry of Home Affairs.

"I think it is important and makes sense if the president makes, for example, establishes a vice minister of home affairs," he said.

On the other hand, Saan also believes that the addition of the Wamendagri post has something to do with the issue of a cabinet reshuffle that has been going on for some time. Considering there are 10 empty Deputy Minister seats.

"Yes, in my opinion, from everything that has been done by Mr. Jokowi related to the issue of wamen, from the past few years, many wamen have been formed but have not been filled. Well, maybe Mr. Jokowi wants all of them to be filled later together with the reshuffle," concluded Saan.

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