JAKARTA - Vice President Ma'ruf Amin responded to the KPK's arrest operation (OTT) which dragged Bekasi Mayor Rachmad Effendi away. Ma'ruf admitted that his party had warned the regions not to be dragged into corruption cases by the KPK.

"We have asked all regional heads to work well. Don't let things like that happen, don't get hit by the KPK," said Ma'ruf on the sidelines of his working visit in Central Sulawesi, Thursday, January 6.

Ma'ruf said the KPK carried out its duties in accordance with the functions mandated by law. In fact, this appeal, said Ma'ruf, has been accepted by all regional heads.

"Therefore, we ask regional heads, governors, regents, mayors to all work in accordance with existing regulations. I think there is a commitment from each party," he said.

Previously, the KPK conducted an OTT in the Bekasi area, West Java at around 14.00 WIB. During the silent operation, dozens of people were arrested by the anti-corruption commission, including the Mayor of Bekasi Rahmat Effendi, who is often called Kang Pepen.

In addition, the Bekasi City Government Civil Apparatus (ASN) and the private sector were also arrested. The transactions that occurred during the silent operation were allegedly related to bribes in the procurement of goods and services and the auction of positions.

In this activity, the KPK also found money. But the number has not been detailed. Currently, the KPK is still intensively examining 13 people who were caught in the silent operation.

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