JAKARTA - The government issued an important decision. Revoking thousands of permits in the forestry sector, accretion and unproductive use of state land.

President Jokowi ensured that his party will continue to improve the management of natural resources so that there is equality, transparency and fairness, to correct inequality, injustice, and natural damage. To that end, the state's mining, forestry and land use permits continue to be evaluated thoroughly.

Permits granted but not productive will be immediately transferred to another party. Meanwhile, those that are not in accordance with the designation and regulations will be immediately revoked without being accommodated.

The following is a complete statement by the President of the Republic of Indonesia, Joko Widodo, which explains at length the reasons for the revocation of these permits. Jokowi spoke in his press statement, Thursday 6 January at the Bogor Presidential Palace, West Java.


Assalammu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

Ladies and gentlemen, dear brothers and sisters, the government continues to improve natural resource management so that there is equity, transparency and justice to correct inequality, injustice, and natural damage.

Mining, forestry, as well as state land use permits continue to be thoroughly evaluated. Permits that are not executed, are not productive, are transferred to other parties, and are not in accordance with our designations and regulations are revoked.

First, today as many as 2.078 mining companies have revoked their mining permits, because they have never submitted a work plan, permits have been granted for years but have not been implemented and this has led to the use of natural resources being held hostage to improve people's welfare.

Second, today we also revoke 192 forestry sector permits covering an area of 3.126.439 hectares. These permits were revoked for being inactive, not making a work plan, and being neglected.

Third, the plantation rights (HGU) that were abandoned for an area of 34.448 hectares were also revoked today; 25.128 hectares belong to 12 legal entities, the remaining 9.320 hectares are part of the abandoned HGU belonging to 24 legal entities.

Improving and controlling these permits is an integral part of improving the governance of the issuance of mining and forestry permits, as well as other permits. The government continues to make improvements by providing transparent and accountable business license facilities, but we will definitely revoke permits that are misused.

We must hold the constitutional mandate that the earth, water, and natural resources contained therein are controlled by the state and used for the greatest prosperity of the people.

The government will provide opportunities for equitable use of assets for productive community groups and socio-religious organizations, including farmer groups, Islamic boarding schools, and others, who can partner with credible and experienced companies.

Indonesia is open to credible investors, who have a good track record and reputation, and are committed to contributing to the welfare of the people and preserving nature.

That is all that I can say. Thank you.

Wassalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

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