JAKARTA - Habib Kribo or Habib Zen Assegaf has spoken out again about Bahar Smith's detention by the West Java Police. Habib Kribo refuses that the detention by the police is considered as an attempt to criminalize the ulama, as many voices say.
"You don't have to fight with your tongue as an Islamic fighter," Habib Kribo quipped on his YouTube channel which was viewed Thursday, January 6.
"This is not a criminalization of ulama. You (Bahar Smith) are criminals with the mask of a cleric," continued Habib Kribo, whose name is also trending in Indonesia on Twitter.
He also opposed Bahar Smith's supporters who said the police action was very unfair. He said that it would be unfair for the police to release Bahar Smith back into the community.
The problem is Bahar Smith's words have hurt many people.
Regarding the insult to the Army Chief of Staff General Dudung Abdurachman, Habib Kribo also spoke out. It's a different matter if Bahar Smith's criticism is carried out in a private room. For example in a room that no one hears.
"You are whoever's dogs, it doesn't matter. You have spoken outside, you have disturbed many people, firstly disturbing people who are loyal to the Republic of Indonesia who want to protect the dignity of the TNI... You have been rude," he greeted again.
"I haven't met a cleric like this. What for me? For me, this is a devil in a clerical robe," he said.
Habib Kribo asked the police to seriously examine Bahar Smith. Bahar Smith's ideology and mindset, which is widely followed by people -- lay-minded -- is dangerous for the Republic of Indonesia.
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