JAKARTA - Myanmar military regime troops engaged in two days of intense gun battle to defend their base in Matupi Township, Chin State, following an ambush by the Chin Defense Forces (CDF) on Monday, according to a representative from the resistance group.

CDF-Matupi information officer Nway Oo Linn told Myanmar Now the clashes began when Chin forces attacked a military base in Theboi area along the Matupi-Paletwa road the day before.

"We didn't manage to completely occupy the base during yesterday's fighting. They have about 60 soldiers present and they have dug a bunker there, so they are trying their best not to come out. The situation is still tense," he said citing Myanmar Now January 5.

He further explained that at least five junta soldiers were killed and at least 10 injured on Monday. Meanwhile, a CDF member was injured when fighting resumed at 10 am the next day.

Myanmar Now was unable to independently verify the number of fighters killed or wounded on either side.

Another clash occurred between the CDF and about 100 military regime troops who were marching along the Hakha-Matupi road on Monday evening, according to the resistance group.

Nway Linn Oo claims the CDF has captured two soldiers in the fighting, which took place between the villages of Phaneng and Ngaleng.

"They are not defectors. We intercepted their formation from the front and detained two of them," he explained, adding the CDF would not disclose further information on the detained troops.

The military convoy ambushed by the CDF continued its journey towards Matupi after the clashes, while further fire had not occurred at the time of reporting, tensions remained high, according to the information officer.

Myanmar Now tried to reach a junta spokesman for comment in response to the CDF's claims, but all calls went unanswered.

To note, the Matupi branch of the CDF previously attacked a security checkpoint on the Matupi-Paletwa road manned by troops from the 304th Light Infantry Battalion in late November. Two junta soldiers were killed and five injured, according to a statement issued by the military.

Meanwhile, nearly 3,000 local residents in Matupi have been displaced by fighting in the area and continue to need humanitarian support, according to the CDF.

Myanmar Coup. The VOI editorial team continues to monitor the political situation in one of the ASEAN member countries. Casualties from civilians continue to fall. Readers can follow the news covering the Myanmar military coup by clicking this link.

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