JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) revealed that it has a number of main focuses to work on this year. Not only that, the Chairman of the KPK Firli Bahuri also hopes to be more trusted by the public.

During the morning rally on Monday, January 3 at the KPK's Red and White Building, Firli Bahuri expressed his hope that they would be more trusted. Not only that, he also hopes that the internal institutions will be more solid.

"The big hope in 2022 is that the KPK will be more trusted and all of us KPK employees are in one voice to dedicate ourselves to Mother Earth," Firli said as quoted from his written statement.

He asked all his employees to continue to work together and be able to synergize with other ministries/agencies. Thus, efforts to eradicate corruption can be realized.

Not only that, there are a number of jobs that will be completed this year. Including, the Performance Accountability Report of Government Institutions which is the responsibility of the administration in addition to annual performance and performance evaluation with the KPK Supervisory Board.

Then, Firli pushed for the trident strategy of eradicating corruption to continue to be implemented by all of his staff. Each section in the internal has its duties.

He detailed that the general secretariat has the duty to complete all regulations, procedures, and work facilities.

Furthermore, the Deputy for Education and Community Participation of the KPK must carry out programs to improve the anti-corruption culture of the community and state administrators. The Deputy for Prevention and Monitoring of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) must conduct a system study in both ministries and institutions.

Meanwhile, the Deputy for Enforcement continues to carry out prosecutions subject to the principles and main tasks of the anti-corruption commission. "KPK must ensure through prevention and monitoring that not a single rupiah from the state budget is corrupted," he said.

Firli also asked that all KPK crackdown efforts must be based on legal certainty, openness, accountability, public interest, and proportionality.

"Then, the Deputy for Coordination and Supervision is expected to be able to make new innovations in carrying out their duties and the Deputy for Information and Data must be able to provide all information and technology support for all KPK tasks,"

Not only that, Firli also revealed a number of things that became the focus of his institution. One of them is to strengthen the implementation of the G20 Summit which will be held in Bali.

This he conveyed through his Instagram account @firlibahuriofficial.

"There are several important things for the KPK to follow up on in 2022. These include Indonesia's chairmanship at the G20, evaluation of the 2021 budget and the 2022 APBN budget posture, and the government's targets," he said.

The entire focus, continued Firli, was carried out based on the performance evaluation that had been issued at the end of last year.

"Performance evaluation is important to see the success and achievement targets as well as to be used as a work plan for 2022," said the former Deputy for Enforcement of the KPK.

Although Firli hopes to be more trusted this year, Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW) thinks otherwise. ICW researcher Kurnia Ramadhana even admitted that she was pessimistic that the KPK could be trusted again.

He thought, as long as Firli Bahuri et al are still leading the KPK and Law Number 19 of 2019 has not changed, it will be difficult to happen.

"We are really pessimistic that in the future the KPK will be able to improve its performance as long as the composition of the KPK leadership is still as it is today and the regulations are not returned to the old KPK law," said Kurnia some time ago at the KPK's Red and White Building, Kuningan Persada, South Jakarta.

Kurnia also emphasized that she did not have any expectations. Moreover, at the end of last year, ICW gave the KPK a red report card for a number of things, including the lack of action.

"We don't have any expectations from the KPK because we understand very well that today's conditions are impossible to return the KPK to its former state," he concluded.

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