NTB - The situation of the As-Sunnah Bagek Nyake Islamic boarding school (ponpes) in Aikmal District, East Lombok Regency, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) has been brought under control after being vandalized by an unknown number of people on Sunday, January 2 in the morning.

"Currently conditions on the ground, God willing, everything is under control," said the Head of the NTB National Unity and Domestic Politics Agency (Bakesbangpoldagri) NTB, Lalu Abdul Wahid in Mataram, quoted from Antara, Tuesday, January 4.

The East Lombok Regency Government and the NTB Provincial Government together with the Forkopimda have also taken strategic steps to reduce the turmoil that occurred in the community.

One of the decisions is that all parties have agreed to fully hand over the matter to law enforcement officers in this case the police to take action and investigate the case to completion.

"We have taken strategic steps, both the East Lombok Regency Government and the NTB Provincial Government, God willing, it will be resolved as soon as possible," he said.

Therefore, his party appealed to the public to be calm and restrained and not to take anarchic actions that could disrupt regional stability.

"Even if there are voices that are developing in the community, they are still conveyed in an orderly manner, and leave everything to the government and law enforcement officials to resolve them. So let's hold ourselves together and not take justice into our own hands," he also said.

Previously, the NTB Regional Police asked residents to remain calm regarding the actions of an unknown group of people which caused a number of facilities to be damaged at As-Sunnah Islamic Boarding School, Bagek Nyaka, Aikmal District, East Lombok.

The Head of Public Relations of the NTB Police, Kombes Artanto, said that the incident was allegedly the result of the distribution of video clips that discredited a number of ancestral graves in Lombok.

"In the near future we will take information from various parties related to the problem, both the vandalism case and the hate speech video, entrust the police to solve the case and the community to calm down," he said.

He explained that a number of community organizations (ormas) and residents had also visited the NTB Regional Police to submit reports regarding objections to the remarks in the video.

For this reason, residents are expected to be calm and not to take any anarchic actions that could interfere with the law enforcement process carried out by the police.

He stated that in order to maintain the security and social order at the As-Sunah Bagik Nyaka Islamic Boarding School and the construction site of the Imam Asy Syafi'i Mosque and the house of H Sunardi as the head of the mosque construction, extra security had been carried out from the East Lombok Police and Brimob as well as maintaining the status quo of the crime scene.

In addition, Artanto said, his party immediately mobilized community leaders, religious leaders so as not to be provoked, and strengthened security from the Sabhara Polres and the East Lombok Brimob Company.

"We urge residents to remain calm, and do not take actions that can disrupt the process that we are carrying out," he said again.

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