Taliban Dump 3,000 Liters Of Liquor Into A Canal In Kabul
YouTube Screenshot

JAKARTA - A video circulating widely. When the Taliban fighters lined the canal. Then they dumped thousands of liters of liquor into the canal.

According to a team of Afghan intelligence agents, about 3,000 liters of liquor were dumped into a canal in Kabul. The Afghan government under the Taliban is indeed very hard to crack down on the sale of alcohol.

Video footage released by the Directorate General of Intelligence (GDI) shows alcohol stored in barrels being dumped into canals after seizing it during raids in the capital.

"Muslims should absolutely not make and deliver alcohol," a cleric said in a video posted by the agency on Twitter on Sunday.

It is not clear when the raids were carried out or exactly when the alcohol was destroyed, but a statement issued by the agency said three dealers were arrested during the operation.

Selling and consuming alcohol was forbidden even under previous Western-backed regimes, but the Taliban, known for its tough brand of Islam, have been tougher against it.

Since Islamists seized power on August 15 last year, the frequency of raids, including against drug addicts, has increased across the country.

The Taliban Government Ministry for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Evil has also issued several guidelines restricting women's rights.

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