JAKARTA - A man became a victim of a beating by a group of unidentified teenagers on Jalan Depnaker RT 17/06, Makasar District, East Jakarta. The incident was caught on CCTV near the scene.

Based on CCTV video footage, a man using a motorcycle can be seen passing through an alley in the Kampung Makasar area, East Jakarta.

Then came a group of teenagers equipped with wood and sharp weapons. Suddenly, the perpetrators ganged up on the victim who was riding a motorcycle, causing him to fall.

According to an eyewitness to the incident, Asta, the beginning of the incident was known when he heard the sound of someone running. Asta watches from the second floor of his house, suddenly a motorcyclist passes by and is then ganged up by the perpetrators.

"I shouted what are you doing, Lo, they didn't hear. I flushed it from above, I asked the victim from above. The victim said he was passing by and was beaten," Asta told reporters, Tuesday, January 4.

The victim was about to go home at that time. The victim also did not know the reason the perpetrators did the action.

"I've been asked by the children here, they say no one knows (the perpetrator). They brought bottles, hoses and wood," he said.

Allegedly, the perpetrators came from outside here. After the incident, the victim left the location.

Responding to the viral video, Makassar sector police officers conducted an investigation by examining witnesses and victims as well as evidence.

Makasar Police Chief Kompol TF Hutagaol said the Makassar Police had seen a viral video regarding the beating of a resident on Jalan Depnaker RT 17/06, Makassar. He is still waiting for the victim to make an official police report.

"Currently the reporter has not reported, but we have met. The Makassar Police have conducted an investigation into the perpetrators," said Kompol Hutagaol.

The police immediately responded because the case had gone viral on social media, thus attracting the attention of the investigation.

"Because this is viral, and responding to an incident. We went to the victim, we asked (the victim) to immediately make a report," he said.

The police chief assessed that the official victim's report could be the basis for the continuation of the legal process.

"The basis for the report is to conduct further investigations," he said. While the case is still being handled by the Makassar Police Headquarters.

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