BANYUWANGI - The traffic flow of Banyuwangi - Situbondo, East Java as well as port access was blocked by hundreds of truck drivers who protested the over-dimensional and overload regulations. The roads were badly congested.

Hundreds of truck drivers parked their vehicles right in front of the entrance and exit of Ketapang port. The action has been going on since 11.00 a.m. local time and until now the masses are still blocking the road.

The mob threatened to continue to block roads if this action was not responded to by the Head of the Transportation Service and the Land Transportation Management Center.

"We will continue to line up here, it doesn't matter if we have to stay overnight. Let the government know. We wouldn't be like this if we weren't hit with toothpaste like that. Because it's detrimental to us," said the head of the driver's union, Slamet Barokah, Monday, January 3.

The masses threatened to continue to blockade the road if there was no decision from the government.

"This is just the beginning, we will stand by here until a decision is made in accordance with what we expect," he said.

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