MALANG - Malang City Police Traffic Unit began to implement an electronic ticketing system or INCAR (integrated Node Capture Attitude Record) as of January 1, 2022. Trafficking with this system can be done in all areas of Malang City.

Technically, the ticketing with this model is carried out by patrol using an INCAR car. Head of the Malang City Traffic Police Unit, AKP Yoppy Anggi Krishna, said that the car's artificial intelligence system will track every form of motorist violation.

"Technical operations will be patrolling using INCAR cars. So, later the AI system on the camera will detect the form of violation of each road user", he said, Friday, December 31.

As a result of this recording, it is clear that Yoppy will record and send a ticket directly to each violator, according to the address of the police number (number plate). The ticket will be sent via expedition services such as the Post Office and others.

Yoppy said the INCAR system would be integrated with the national ETLE system. That way, prosecution for violations can be carried out even outside the Malang area.

For now, his party is still only able to operate 1 unit of INCAR car. Furthermore, the additional car units will be submitted to the East Java Police Traffic Director according to the level of traffic violations in the city of Malang.

"It is hoped that the INCAR system will be able to increase public awareness for orderly traffic for their own safety", said Yoppy.

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