JAKARTA - The Indonesian Air Force will investigate the alleged involvement of Indonesian National Army Air Force (TNI AU) soldiers in sending illegal Indonesian Migrant Workers (TKI) to Malaysia.

The Head of the Indonesian Air Force Information Service (Kadispenau) First Marshal of the Indonesian Armed Forces, Indan Gilang Buldansyah, responded to the statement by the Indonesian Migrant Workers Protection Agency (BP2MI) regarding the alleged involvement of Indonesian Air Force soldiers in sending illegal migrant workers.

Indan said that at this time the Indonesian Air Force was still carrying out serious investigations regarding the information from BP2MI.

"According to the instructions from the TNI-AU leadership, we are still conducting an in-depth investigation by coordinating with all stakeholders to explore and develop further information so that the problem is clearer", Kadispenau said in a press release, in Jakarta, quoted by Antara, Wednesday, December 29. 

If in its development it is proven that there are indeed elements of the Indonesian Air Force who are involved in the process of sending illegal migrant workers, Indan emphasized, then it is certain that the Indonesian Air Force will provide strict legal sanctions according to applicable regulations.

As is known, that a few days ago news broke out, the sinking of a boat carrying dozens of illegal migrant workers in the waters of Johor Malaysia.

The incident resulted in dozens of deaths, and dozens more have not been found. Meanwhile, dozens of other TKI can be saved.

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