JAKARTA - The government through the Ministry of Manpower (Kemnaker) will provide subsidies to workers who have registered with BPJS Ketenagakerjaan or BP Jamsostek who have wages of no more than IDR 5 million per month. To ensure that this subsidy is right on target, BP Jamsostek implements multiple validations.

President Director of BP Jamsostek Agus Susanto explained that his party is currently finalizing the first batch of the list of prospective recipients of Wage Subsidy Assistance (BSU) using criteria set by the government using BP Jamsostek membership data.

BP Jamsostek continues to collect data on participant account numbers and simultaneously validates the data received. This aims to obtain data on potential recipients who are really right on target.

"We are doing multi-layered validation to ensure that the BSU recipients will indeed meet the specified criteria. The aim is none other than to ensure that this assistance is right on target and is not misused by irresponsible parties," he said, in a video conference with journalists, Friday, August 21. .

As is known, the number of potential recipients of this wage subsidy program is at least 15.7 million workers who are active participants of BP Jamsostek scattered throughout Indonesia.

Reflecting on Permenaker No. 14 of 2020, the criteria for potential wage subsidy recipients, namely, Indonesian citizens (WNI), are included in the category of Wage Recipient (PU) workers, are participants of BP Social Security until June 2020, and have a final wage of under IDR 5 million according to data reported by the company and recorded at BP Jamsostek.

Not only adhering to the criteria set out in the Permenaker, BP Jamsostek also applies layered validation to anticipate the possibility of BSU funds not being on target.

"There are at least three stages of validation carried out. First, the initial validation carried out with external parties, namely banks. At this stage, the account numbers that have been collected by BP Jamsostek are more than 13.6 million account numbers," he said.

The account numbers, said Agus, were selected based on the validity of the account numbers, such as the activity and the validity of the account numbers. At this stage, BP Jamsostek validates with at least 127 banks in Indonesia.

Second, BP Jamsostek also conducts internal validity on membership data that meets the criteria as stated in Permenaker 14/2020, which is related to BP Jamsostek participation, the maximum stipulated wage limit, and ensuring that prospective BSU recipients are from the category of PU workers.

"Third, at this stage, BP Jamsostek performs validation based on the NIK number adjusted to account ownership. This is done to minimize the possibility of multiple recipients of assistance because the person concerned is active in working in more than one different company," he said.

IDR 37.7 Trillion is budgeted

As is known, the government has budgeted IDR 37.7 trillion for a subsidy program for workers affected by COVID-19. The nominal to be received will be set at Rp. 600 thousand per month for one worker for 4 months, or each worker can get a total of Rp. 2.4 million. The fund disbursement or transfer scheme is carried out 2 months at a time 2 times.

In addition to the validation carried out by BP Jamsostek, the Government is also expected to re-validate it to ensure this assistance is right on target. This is done because the source of funds for this Wage Subsidy Assistance comes from a budget allocation from the Government.

"In accordance with the direction of the President of the Republic of Indonesia, this BSU will be sent in the near future. For disbursement of funds itself will be divided into several waves so that it can be evenly distributed to all prospective recipients who reach 15.7 million workers, with the right target," he said.

Agus said that his party is still waiting for the company to submit the employee account numbers. This is to ensure that assistance is distributed to workers who are entitled to receive it.

"We are still encouraging companies that have not submitted their workers' account numbers to send them immediately, so that workers who are entitled and fulfill the conditions do not get them," he said.

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