JAKARTA - Electric vehicles are the future of the automotive and aviation industries. As well as being the answer to the use of environmentally friendly energy in Indonesia. The opportunity for Indonesia to compete in this sector is so great. However, it must be supported by a synergy between ministries and institutions.
CEO Wiksa Daya Pratama Agus Mukhtisin said that it was undeniable that Indonesia was left behind if it wanted to compete in conventional vehicles. According to him, this opportunity is very small, but Indonesia has a greater opportunity in electric vehicles.
"Where we can't compete in conventional vehicles. But if in this electric vehicle there is a breath of fresh air that the three start-ups of Wiksa Daya Pratama, Braja Electric Motor and Udeo Battery and Design have been able to make controllers, successfully make electric motors, assemble batteries and designing, "he said, in a virtual discussion, in Jakarta, Friday, August 21.
Agus said, with the success of these three start-ups developing electric vehicles, it shows that electric vehicles in Indonesia are developing very rapidly. This means that Indonesia can still compete with other countries.
Moreover, said Agus, Indonesia also has great potential where there are already large companies that can develop electric vehicles. One of them is PT Pindad.
"The potential partners that can be collaborated to develop electric vehicles are GESIT, Inka, Pindad, and others," he said.
Even so, said Agus, researchers and industry players are still confused about developing electric vehicles. This is because there is no clear platform as a container for the development of types of electric vehicles. Currently, he said, it is still divided.
"I see that it is not clear which platform will be developed, we have already formed GESIT, an initiation, thank God. But we need to make a platform, for example for the bus who will hold it. Eletric vechicle is who will hold it and so on, "he said.
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