JAKARTA - An unidentified man aged around 25 years was found dead in Muara Karang River, Pluit, Penjaringan, North Jakarta, Sunday at around 16.00 WIB.

The Head of the Metro Penjaringan Police, Adjunct Senior Commissioner of Police Febri Isman Jaya, who received reports from the public that people had drowned immediately dispatched a team led by Adjunct Commissioner of Police Zuhri Mustofa to inspect the location of the incident reported by the public.

"It is true that there was a drowning victim without an identity. The characteristics are a man aged around 25 years, wearing a black shirt, black pants," said Febri quoted Monday, December 27.

According to Febri, it was suspected that the man without an identity had died after attempting to commit suicide by jumping into a river.

Febri explained that the evacuation of the drowned youth's body was carried out by officers from the North Jakarta and Thousand Islands Fire and Rescue (Gulkarmat) Sub-dept.

The Gulkarmat officer conducted a search and rescue after receiving reports from the public that a young man had jumped into the river.

"At around 12.00 WIB, witness R (39) saw the victim wanting to jump into the river. The witness then helped the victim to climb back up, but the victim rebelled and threw herself into the river. The victim then did not appear again," said Febri.

North Jakarta and Thousand Islands Gulkarmat Sub-dept. officers led by Hartanto then conducted a search by combing the location after receiving a report from Witness R.

The victim was found and then evacuated by officers around 16.00 WIB, after the victim's body appeared and floated on the surface of the river face down.

A team from the Penjaringan Metro Police, led by AKP Zuhri Mustofa, came to the location, then identified the victim's body and checked for signs of abuse, but found no signs of abuse.

"No signs of abuse were found. It is suspected that the victim drowned as a result of jumping into the river and unable to swim," he said.

The victim's body was then taken to the Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Central Jakarta for a post-mortem et repertum.

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