KLUNGKUNG - Bali Governor Wayan Koster requested that assistance for repairing residents' houses and damage to public facilities due to the flash flood disaster in Nusa Penida, Klungkung Regency could be realized in early 2022.
"The budget and regulations are in place so that residents don't have to wait too long for the damage caused by this disaster," said Koster while visiting the disaster-affected area in Nusa Penida, Klungkung, Tuesday, December 21.
According to him, one of his visits to Nusa Penida was to see the condition of residents affected by the banjir bandang disaster.
"According to information, there are around 230 houses affected by the flash flood in total and will be handled by the Bali Provincial BPBD," he said.
In addition, the repair budget is assisted in accordance with Bali Governor Regulation Number 32 of 2021 concerning Guidelines for Providing Unplanned Social Assistance for Disaster/Disaster Victims.
Before visiting the areas affected by the flash flood, Koster also took time to pray for the guidance and grace of Ida Bhatara Ratu Gede who resided at Ratu Gede Temple, Dalem Ped Temple, Nusa Penida.
"Especially so that Bali is protected from the COVID-19 outbreak, especially the new variant of Omicron. So that the pandemic in Bali can continue to be controlled, sloping, stable, and tourists can visit Bali," said Koster.
Meanwhile, the Head of BPBD Bali Province, I Made Rentin, reported that there were 10 villages in Nusa Penida that suffered losses due to the disaster.
The 10 villages are Kutampi Kaler Village (Rp751.3 million in loss), Bunga Mekar Village (87 million), Batukandik Village (Rp15 million), Batumadeg Village (Rp144.5 million), and Toyapakeh Village (Rp320 million).
Furthermore, Ped Village (Rp2.95 billion), Sakti Village (Rp1.58 billion), Suana Village (Rp594 million), Batununggul Village (Rp695.3 million), Lembongan Village (Rp1.47 billion) and Jungutbatu Village (Rp730 million). ).
For infrastructure, the total loss due to the banjir bandang disaster reached Rp13.89 billion spread over a number of locations.
He added that the Bali Provincial Government through the Bali Provincial BPBD has also distributed logistical assistance for basic necessities, tarpaulins, and water suction machines.
Currently in the process of verifying the physical facilities affected by the banjir bandang disaster, involving the Bali Provincial Public Works Service and the Faculty of Civil Engineering, Udayana University.
There are two physical facilities that are in the verification process to get assistance according to Bali Governor Regulation Number 32 of 2021, namely community houses and public/social facilities. "These two types of physical facilities will be assessed in three categories, namely lightly damaged, moderately damaged, and heavily damaged," said Rentin.
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